2016 will be a transition year for us.  We have a new name and new team.  Join us.  Be part of the change.



  • Build & collaborate with strategic partners to advocate for nursing practice to improve health
  • Collaborate with schools of nursing to ensure nursing curriculum includes public health
  • Develop strategic alliances with key public health partners
System level impact

System level impact

  • Determine & operationalize system level priorities and participate in stakeholder consultations
  • Enhance interactions with key stakeholders to address system level issues on public health nursing, population health and the determinants of health
Foster a highly competent workforce

Foster a highly competent workforce

  • Identify & address strategies to build leadership capacity
  • Strengthen & develop public health & nursing competencies, entry to practice, quality of care & the practice environment


  • Explore opportunities to build membership
  • Create strategies for member engagement